Source code for lsru.utils

import re
import os
from io import BytesIO
import tarfile
from contextlib import closing
from datetime import datetime, date

import requests

[docs]def bounds(geom): """Return a bounding box from a geometry Adapted from Args: geom (dict): Geojson like geometry Example: >>> from lsru.utils import bounds >>> geom = {'coordinates': [[[3.34481, 43.96708], ... [6.17992, 45.23413], ... [5.55366, 43.56654], ... [3.34481, 43.96708]]], ... 'type': 'Polygon'} >>> print(bounds(geom)) Returns: Tuple: Bounding box (left, bottom, right, top) """ def explode(coords): for e in coords: if isinstance(e, (float, int)): yield coords break else: for f in explode(e): yield f x, y = zip(*list(explode(geom['coordinates']))) return (min(x), min(y), max(x), max(y))
[docs]def geom_from_metadata(meta): """Return a geometry from a Landsat scene metadata as returned by USGS api Args: meta (dict): Landsat scene metadata as returned by Usgs Api Example: >>> from lsru import Usgs >>> from lsru.utils import geom_from_metadata >>> import datetime >>> from shapely.geometry import shape >>> from pprint import pprint >>> usgs = Usgs() >>> usgs.login() >>> scene_list ='LANDSAT_8_C1', ... bbox=(3.5, 43.4, 4, 44), ... begin=datetime.datetime(2012,1,1), ... end=datetime.datetime(2016,1,1)) >>> geom = geom_from_metadata(scene_list[0]) >>> s = shape(geom) >>> pprint(geom) >>> print(s.is_valid) Returns: dict: GeoJson like geometry. CRS is always in longlat (EPSG 4326) """ geom = {'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': [[ [meta['lowerLeftCoordinate']['longitude'], meta['lowerLeftCoordinate']['latitude']], [meta['upperLeftCoordinate']['longitude'], meta['upperLeftCoordinate']['latitude']], [meta['upperRightCoordinate']['longitude'], meta['upperRightCoordinate']['latitude']], [meta['lowerRightCoordinate']['longitude'], meta['lowerRightCoordinate']['latitude']], [meta['lowerLeftCoordinate']['longitude'], meta['lowerLeftCoordinate']['latitude']] ]]} return geom
[docs]def is_valid(id): """Landsat scene id validity checker Args: id (str): Landsat scene id Example: >>> from lsru import Usgs >>> from lsru.utils import is_valid >>> import datetime >>> import requests >>> from pprint import pprint >>> usgs = Usgs() >>> usgs.login() >>> scene_list ='LANDSAT_8_C1', ... bbox=(3.5, 43.4, 4, 44), ... begin=datetime.datetime(2012,1,1), ... end=datetime.datetime(2016,1,1)) >>> pprint(scene_list[2]) >>> print(is_valid(scene_list[2]['displayId'])) Returns: bool: Whether the provided scene id is valid or not """ pattern = re.compile(r'(LC08|LE07|LT05|LT04)_[0-9A-Z]{4}_\d{6}_\d{8}_\d{8}_\d{2}_(RT|T1|T2)') m = pattern.match(id) if m is None: return False else: return True
[docs]def url_retrieve(url, filename, overwrite=False, check_complete=True): """Generic file download function Similar to url_retrieve from standard library with additional checks for already existing files and incomplete downloads Args: url (str): Url pointing to file to retrieve filename (str): Local file name under which the downloaded content is written overwrite (bool): Force overwriting local file even when it already exists? Defaults to False check_complete (bool): When local file exists and overwrite is set to False, check whether local and remote file sizes match? File is re-downloaded when sizes are different. Only makes sense if overwrite is set to False. Defaults to True Returns: str: The filename """ # Handle special cases (file already exists, no overwrite, check integrity) if os.path.isfile(filename) and not overwrite: if not check_complete: return filename r0 = requests.head(url) if os.path.getsize(filename) == int(r0.headers['Content-Length']): # file size matches return filename # Proceed to download r = requests.get(url, stream=True) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: f.write(chunk) return filename
[docs]def url_retrieve_and_unpack(url, path, overwrite=False): """Generic function to combine download and unpacking of tar archives Downloads the tar archive as a memory object and extracts its content to a new directory. Directory name is the remote file name with stripped extension Args: url (str): Url pointing to tar file to retrieve path (str): Path to directory under which a new directory containing the archive content will be created overwrite (bool): Force overwriting local files even when the output directory already exist? Defaults to False Returns: str: The path containing extracted content """ folder = url.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] path = os.path.join(path, folder) if os.path.isdir(path) and not overwrite: return path r = requests.get(url) with closing(r), as archive: archive.extractall(path=path) return path